19 November 2011
Grub n Grog

Ships in the Harbour -  Laying Up Supper
19th November 2011

Time : 7.15 if yea is tardy its the plank for yea
Place: The Good Ship   "Carron Restaurant"

A meal at the Carron, with prize giving, tho yea least deserve it.

First glass of grog, we'll give yea but bring some silver if yea wants more.

If yea has an idea, gifts for tarting the ship up yea had better tells me about it NOW or else the Cap'n
will run yea thro as soon as looks at yea.

Look lively me mates..


Barnicle Bill   O-arrgg sends us yea purse to pay for yea supper by swift messenger or yea is DOOOMMMED  DOOOOMED I says...cast into Davys locker yea'll be   mmmmmuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaa

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