13 March 2024Sailing Season 2024!
Welcome to Lochcarron Sailing Club 2024 Season
Some dates to note:
Work Party weekend: 16th and 17th March; 10:30 onwards
Cleaning up and repairs to the clubhouse and grounds ready for the sailing season. All help very welcome for any part of the weekend, jobs for all, lunch, tea, coffee and biscuits provided!
Rigging weekend: 23rd and 24th March; 10:30 onwards
Come along to help get the boats ready for the season, drop in whenever you can - and get your favourite club boat ready to go!
Race 1: Sunday 31st March, 10:30
Easter Sunday; First Sail of the season!
All sailors who can sail a triangle course and right their own boat are very welcome.
Safety boat refresher/practical training: TBA
Schools P5 Sailing: 30th May
Training week: 1st to 5th July
Highland Games: 20th July
Regatta: 24th and 25th August
Gunn Trophy Sat 14th September
Thursday night sailing:
Term time: Evening sailing begins the first week of summer term, April 18th. It will run term-time until the October holidays. The club is open from 16.30, on the water by 17.45.
Summer holidays: Thursday night sailing will continue most weeks over the summer holidays as a Laser race mini-series. Club open from 18:00, on the water by 19:00.
The club has purchased two 4.7 rigs for our club boats, perfect for juniors moving on from toppers.
Sunday sailing:
This year will see a return to Sunday Racing during term time with some Free Sailing during the School holidays. All sailors, racers and non racers, are welcome at all sessions.
Sunday sailing will begin on Easter Sunday 31st March at 10:30.
Yacht Events:
We are hoping to organise some more yacht sailing events this year including a race at Lochcarron and a race at Kishorn and a non-racing sailaway
Let us know if you would be interested in taking part in yacht sailing.